Just call me SEDG. My first love is art; painting or drawing what my eye sees or what is in my mind is very rewarding and challenging and oh so fun.
Creating the Mike' illustration for 'Mike the Headless Chicken Days' festival is the best! This is the 5th year doing the illustration for the festival poster and web. I am the official 'Mike' portrait artist. Boy is it great exposure.
You can also become a fan of SEDG on Facebook and see more of my art there, just no stories about it.
I digitize some of my artwork and make it into cards to sell at farmers markets and festivals.
I have a friend who bought a house and the day they closed and moved in found out that it was a meth house......long story short they had to live in an RV. So being an enterprising young woman she decorated appropriately with humor. When she found out that I did gourds she wanted a pink flamingo gourd. Oh this was fun. Flamingos are so graceful and beautiful with such a bad rap for the decorations they provide. It is not their fault that pink plastic replicas are placed in yards of all types. I myself have summer iced tea glasses with pink flamingos on them. The whimsy is great. So I say to you Where is your sense of humor? Flamingos rock! Okay, I could not resist putting a trailer with two plastic pink flamingos out front. Enjoy! I think this is called a swan gourd. If not well its a flamingo gourd. How they can stand on one leg and not topple over is a wonder in and of its self.
I have some Tennessee Spinners.....Gourds!!! I was so jazzed when I saw them. You will be amazed at their size!
Too cute! These are great Sally! You have really captured the cats' nature.